Climbing for Kids

Kids love to climb and Vertically Inclined is the perfect place to do it!

Semester Programs

Is your child ready for a new active adventure-experience?  Looking for an alternative to traditional sports that emphasizes achieving goals, problem solving and building trust & confidence along with physical benefits in terms of flexibility, stamina and strength?  Then check out the Kids Semester Programs at Vertically Inclined.

Tadpoles (ages 5-9) and Treefrogs (ages 10+) introduce new climbers to the sport including safety aspects, rope skills and movement techniques.  Participants experience the vertical environment through skills practice, games & activities and lots of climbing!

Further programs for both age groups allow climbers to continue learning and practising their skills in a fun and supportive setting.

Programs for 5-9 year olds
Climbing for ages 10 Years and Up
Teen Climbing Program

Climbing Camps

Week-long camps at Vertically Inclined are a great way to keep kids active during school breaks including Spring and Summer Breaks.

Participants learn new skills and get the mileage needed to master them. Plus, climbing games and activities keep kids engaged and excited!

Full-day camps include outdoor activities to keep participants moving while giving climbing muscles a break.

Get your kids climbing our walls instead of yours during the next school break.

Jr Treefrogger Spring Break Camp (ages 5-9)
Treefrogger Spring Break Camp (ages 10+)
1/2 Day Jr Treefrogger Summer Camp (ages 5-9 yrs)
Jr Treefrogger Summer Camp (ages 5-9)
Treefrogger Summer Camp (Ages 10 years +)

Questions? We can help!

Contact us here or give us a call at 780-496-9390